How to increase profile Activity streams display number..
When go to someone's profile it only display his/her 5 streams how to increase this number..
function index
$lblocks[] = $this->newsfeed(5);
maybe a good idea for a request to make this a variable you can change in the admin area
Thanks.. For this.. But i'm talking about profile activity streams... when you visit some one's profile... these are only five..
For. eg..
you visit this link...
you only find 5 streams there..
$output .= stream_get($profile['id'],5);
for the comment
little bit lower
$output .= profile_comment_get($profile['id'],5);
Ya it's works good..
But when you click on "see more"
it generate(display) same stream two time..
i think you need to change some other things to
this is the comment display [code] $output .= profile_comment_get($profile['id'],[b]5[[/b]); if (substr_count($output,'user_post_left') > [b]4[/b]) { $output .= ' <div id="morecomment_box"></div> <div> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("#morecomment_button").click(function() { $(this).hide(); $("#morecomment_box").html("<img src=\"'.uhome().'/files/loading.gif\" /> Loading"); $.post("'.uhome().'/index.php?p=jquery/moreprofilecomment", {offset:$("#stream_offset").val(),uid:'.$profile['id'].'}, function(data){ var currentVal = parseInt( $("#comment_offset").val() ); $("#comment_offset").val(currentVal + [b]5[/b]); $("#morecomment_box").before(data); if (data) { $("#morecomment_button").show(); } $("#morecomment_box").html(""); },"html" ); return false; }); }); </script>
<input type="hidden" id="comment_offset" value="[b]5[/b]" /> <a href="#" id="morecomment_button"><strong>'.t('See More').'</strong></a> </div>';
if your stream = 10, every 5 in the code needs to be 10 and the 4 needs to be 9 (=10-1)
same thing for the stream_display
Thanks work's great..!!